Monday 7 August 2017

Inclusive Learning at OrmPS

Part of Educator Learning Time is to discuss and learn the importance of Inclusive Learning and we do this here at Ormiston Primary School.
Inclusive learning is all about equitable engagement and responsive approaches that ensure all of our learners are happy, safe and can access the learning experiences. - Diana Wilkes

Inclusive learning is ensuring ALL learners are included and provided engaging learning experiences which ensures each individual has opportunities for success and growth towards their learning goals.  - Karyn Patterson

Inclusive learning recognises that everyone learns differently and that these differences  should be catered for within a caring and supportive environment. - Lisa Pearson

Based on the discussion, as an educator it is important for us to ensure all learners are included and safe here at Ormiston Primary School.

1 comment:

  1. Inclusive Learning is a focus of every part of our day here at Ormiston and any school we teach in. At Ormiston we have a lot of English Language Learners. The Foundation level learners need the greatest amount of scaffolding. Check out your hapu group list which area your learners are working at foundation level. Then focus on one area, and look at different ways you can scaffold for these learners ensuring they are able to engage in your programme. Within the tki website there is a section on supporting ELL's
    ESOL Teaching strategies this can be worth while exploring. []
